Friday, August 30, 2019

Assignment 2A Bug List

1. The long wait for an elevator in my dorm building, especially when one is shut down.
WHY it exists: There are only two elevators that do not accommodate for the large amount of students trying to go up and down 14 floors at once. On top of that, the elevators in the building are run down and are constantly being used, setting a high chance of being shut down along the way.

2. Shopping carts that are left in the middle of a parking spot.
WHY it exists: People often find it more convenient to leave their shopping carts in the middle of the parking spot when they do not want to walk back to the store, or wherever the cart returns are, to return their shopping cart. 

3. Remembering an answer to a question, AFTER turning in the exam, quiz, or assignment.
WHY it exists: It is often difficult to retrieve information from memory in high pressure situations, such as when given a limited time during an exam. Also, it is common to overthink a question or have a bunch of information overflow in the brain during retrieval, making it difficult to remember and answer a question in the time period that you need. 

4. Having to wait a long time for the shower water to heat up.
WHY it exists: There are multiple people in the building trying to take a shower all at once, using up all the hot water. Therefore this adds a delay in the time it takes for the shower to heat up by the time I take a shower.

5. Having to sit on the floor due to the lack of available seats, even if I arrive 10 minutes early to class.
WHY it exists: The lecture halls often have limited seating, and do not accommodate for the large amount of students wanting to attend the live lectures. In which, with a first-come-first-serve basis, everyone has the same idea and tries to get to class early to get a seat, closing the availability of seats in a matter of minutes. 

6. Having to return an online purchase. 
WHY it exists: Shopping online makes it difficult to physically inspect or try on the items that you want to purchase, leaving a higher risk of return. 

7. Stepping on gum on the sidewalk.
WHY it exists: People are often too lazy to spit their gum out in a trash can, and find it convenient to just spit their gum out on the sidewalk, disregarding the fact that others walk on that sidewalk.

8. People who park over the line, making it difficult to park next to them.
WHY it exists: People are either often in a rush to park their cars and are unaware of their poor parking, or are simply too lazy to adjust the poor parking. This often occurs when parking spaces are small. 

9. Running into a malfunction at self-checkout and having to wait for an employee for assistance.
WHY it exists: Although self-checkout is convenient and efficient, some transactions cannot be done without the assistance of an employee, such as removing an item, and that employee is sometimes either not around or busy assisting another customer, so you are left having to wait.

10. Cars that tailgate even when you are going the speed limit.
WHY it exists: People are often impatient, and are in a rush to get to their next destination and find that tailgating the car in front of them will somehow enforce them to go faster. 

11. Underestimating an assignment that is held off until the last minute, and almost missing the deadline because it takes longer than expected to complete.
WHY it exists: It is easy to hold off an assignment until the last minute, due previous experiences with getting away with procrastination. However, each assignment varies and should be timely managed wisely in order to avoid this bug. 

12. Hearing the people next door when they talk or play their music out loud.
WHY it exists: The walls of the dorms are very thin, so a conversation could easily be heard clearly through the walls. Plus, it is often that others are unaware that the walls are so thin when in their own space. 

13. Liking a song before it becomes popular, but then hating it after it ends up getting overplayed on the radio.
WHY it exists: Radio play often works in rotations, playing the same number of songs frequently on a daily basis, based on popularity. 

14. People cutting you off or talking over you.
WHY it exists: They are either not engaged with the conversation, have something on their mind that they feel is urgent to say, or they do not have any manners in terms of interrupting rather than waiting and listening.

15. When people do not clean up after themselves.
WHY it exists: Some people often leave their messes behind because they simply do not care, are too lazy to clean up after themselves, or have the expectation that someone else will clean up after them.

16. When features in my car are not adjusted back to how they were before being tampered with.
WHY it exists: The people who use my car often have other preferences and adjust the settings in my car like moving the seat back since they have longer legs, or adjusting the mirrors, and forget to adjust it back to my preference.

17. Having to double click the unlock button to unlock all of the doors in the car.
WHY it exists: This is a safety feature that only allows the driver to get out of the car.

18. Craving Chick-fil-A on Sunday's.
WHY it exists: Chick-fil-A is closed on Sunday's due to the owner's belief, so when I suddenly get a craving for Chick-fil-A on a Sunday, I soon realize I cannot fulfill my craving until the next day. 

19. When it starts pouring unexpectedly as I am walking on campus.
WHY it exists: The weather in Florida is unpredictable, and the rain can come down when you least expect it.

20. Getting an easy problem or question wrong.
WHY it exists: This can be either be due to overthinking or overanalyzing the question, misinterpretation, a simple mistake, or going through the problem too quickly.

Initially, I found this assignment to be difficult to find and describe 20 things that bugged me. As there are many things that irritate me throughout the day, I have never sat down to think about, evaluate, and write down the negative aspects of the world. In which, this assignment really had me thinking, observing, and looking back. However, as my list began to pile up, I found it easier to take this assignment into perspective of a way of perceiving these problems in the world. Rather than overthinking the list, I took a moment to go beyond my current surroundings to identify other problems. In which, in respect to the class, I found that this assignment was able to allow me to take a step into an entrepreneur's perspective and see how they approach these everyday problems and why they exist, before going into finding the solutions.