Thursday, September 26, 2019

Assignment 9A Testing the Hypothesis Part 2

  • Who: There are some people that fall outside of my market, even though they share a lot in common with those inside the market. For instance, those who have a preferred payment method of cash, and do not use debit/credit cards, do not have this unmet need of preventing credit card skimmers, as they avoid the skimmers with an alternative payment. Since they are paying with cash, they do not have the concern that their card information will be stolen and don't have to face fraud. Though, they have a similar concern of making sure their cash does not get stolen. There are also those who are debit/credit card users, but are simply unaware or don't have the concern at all.
    • In which, three of the people I interviewed that preferred cash payment came into agreement that with their method of payment, they did not have the concern of card fraud. They stated that although card payment is more efficient, paying with cash is a good way to avoid the risks that come with card payment. 
    • In my fourth interview, the girl I talked to preferred paying with her debit card, but did not have any concern for skimmers. By this, she explained that she never really payed attention to being cautious with her card. Though, she feels that this interview gave her some perspective to be more aware, and supports my solution to the idea. This gave me insight that although my prototypical customer is towards debit/credit card users, not all users will feel like they have the need, as they don't really have the concern. 
    • This interviewee goes back and forth from using her debit card and paying with cash. She'll pay cash when she feels like she's in a sketchy place, and use her card when she feels more comfortable. She is satisfied with her solution so far, but admits that it is hard to judge whether her card is at risk or not. She states that she will also be satisfied with my solution. 
  • What: My solution will help to prevent credit card fraud and theft through skimming, but not completely prevent credit card fraud and theft as a whole. Meaning, there are other ways that credit card theft can happen, I am just focusing on the need of preventing it through skimming.
  • Why: I don't think that the need between the two (insiders and outsiders of the boundary) are necessarily different, as they both want to avoid credit card theft. It's just a matter of those inside the boundary have this unmet need and would most likely be the consumers of my product, and those outside are satisfied with how they are preventing the problem by paying with cash, and wouldn't need my product. 

Inside the Boundary
Outside the Boundary
  • Debit/Credit card users
  • Those with the concern of credit card fraud

  • Cash users
  • Those who don't have the concern of credit card fraud or unaware

  • Prevent credit card skimming 

  • Completely eliminate credit theft

  • Skimming is a common form of credit card theft
  • There is a risk of facing credit card fraud unknowingly every time you slide your card into a reader
  • As technology advances, the amount of skimmers are increasing, as it is an efficient way of credit card theft

  • Skimming can be avoided by paying with cash
  • There are many other ways of credit card theft

Friday, September 20, 2019

Assignment 8A Solving the Problem

  • Selected opportunity: 
    • The opportunity that I have chosen is credit card fraud and theft through skimming. In which, I would like to provide a product/service that prevents the skimming that leads to this fraud and theft.
  • Solution: 
    • I want to provide a product that will allow credit/debit card users to detect skimmers before the skimmers are able to steal their information. The product is a thin clear plastic cover that takes shape of a credit card, in which the consumer can place over the card. So basically, a thin plastic case covering the credit card. The cover will have built in technology that will able to detect a machine clear of a skimmer. With this on the card, the consumer can check for skimmers before using their card, by inserting their card with the case on into the machine reader, and if the plastic turns green, the machine reader is clear of skimmers. Though if it turns red, it indicates a skimmer on the machine. Once the machine is clear of skimmers, the consumer can slide the card out of the case and use their card without the concern and uncertainty of whether a skimmer is in the machine. 

Assignment 7A Testing the Hypothesis

 Credit Card Fraud Through Skimming Prevention
  • Opportunity: Each day, card payment users are prone to credit card fraud and identity theft because easy availability to skimming devices grants easier opportunities for skimmers to steal credit card information through card readers.
    • The who: Credit/debit card users
    • The what: They are prone to credit card fraud and identity theft
    • The why: Easy availability to skimming devices allows skimmers to easily steal credit card information through card readers.
  • Testing the who: Identity theft is prone to everyone, as thieves are able to manage to steal social security information as well as other personal information through phishing. However, I think that credit card fraud through skimming is targeted more towards card payment users, as they are the ones that skimmers are able to target easily. In which, overall identity theft is open to everyone, but the "who" that share this unmet need of the prevention of credit card fraud through skimming, is more limited to credit/debit card users.
  • Testing the what: Skimmers are able to adapt to any changes or preventions, and still manage to find a way to skim users. Not every credit/debit card user experiences the need, as they feel unthreatened to credit card fraud, or avoid using their card. Also, the latest standard in credit card security, the EMV chip, has been beneficial to the security and prevention of fraudulence, though the problem is still evident.
  • Testing the why: Credit/debit card users may claim that credit card fraud is an ongoing issue due to the easy accessibility to skimming devices, sketchy locations and unprotected card readers, and the skimmers' motive to steal money through fraud and theft of card information. 
  • Interview #1: In this interview with a current UF student, the girl had a preferred method of payment of using debit. She agreed that this opportunity exists, and found that the need was necessary after hearing credit card fraud and theft occur all the time on the news. Though, what raised her concern for the need was when she witnessed a close friend of hers become a victim of credit card fraud. The friend purchased a water bottle at a store in an airport in New York, to then find an unknown charge of $500 on her card later that day. Since then, she has had this fear and extra caution of her surroundings when using her card. She feels that the fact that her friend was skimmed at an airport shows how unpredictable credit card skimming can be in terms of when, where, and why, which is scary.
  • Interview #2: In this interview with a current UF student, I was able to discover that the girl's dad deals with credit card fraud on a daily basis in his job. She said that he deals with credit card fraud all of the time, as it is a very common problem. With this, she is scared of credit card fraud and identity theft, seeing and hearing the common issues that her dad has to deal with. She states that although it has never happened to her, she wants to make sure it stays that way, so she is very cautious of where she uses her card. She says that her goal is to not get skimmed, although there is a high possibility that it could happen anytime. In which, she says that it is important to check your balance daily, and catch the problem as early as possible.
  • Interview #3: In this interview with a current UF student, the girl prefers credit card payment. She says that although she personally had never been a victim of credit card fraud, she still has a concern and fear of the fraud, after seeing it happen to other people all the time. This interviewee has known many people who have experienced credit card fraud, and has also seen it on many news articles. She states that unfortunately she doesn't pay attention as much as she should, though every time she hears a story about credit card frauds and skimmers, her concern level raises again and she becomes cautious. Though, she does not want to experience the fraud and theft and hopes for a solution so she doesn't have to worry.
  • Interview #4: In this interview with a middle-aged male, I was able to discover that he had experienced credit card fraud first handedly. After having his credit card for a number of years, he was blindsided the first time he experienced the fraud, when he noticed a large unknown purchase on his card. He claimed that using his card without any concern or awareness of fraud had previously been a routine for him, until this first encounter of skimming. Since then, he found himself more aware of using his card at sketchy locations. Though, he states that even then, he still found himself being a victim of credit card fraud. He feels that being cautious of where and how you use your credit card is beneficial, but it does not avoid your encounter with credit card skimmers.
  • Interview #5: In this interview with a new debit card user, I was able to discover her concerns with fraud even before she got her card. The interviewee had just recently gotten her debit card a few months ago, but had the concern for fraud even before getting the card after seeing some of her close ones be encounter fraud. She said that knowing this raised her concerns about paying with card, so during her first few weeks of using her debit card, she was very skeptical. "I wouldn't insert my debit card anywhere, and if I did, I would try to avoid typing in my PIN with my fingerprint. I don't know, I was just terrified that someone steal my card info." Though, now she is a frequent card user, but she tries to remain cautious. 
  •  Post-interview: What do you know about the opportunity that you didn't know before?
    • Based on these interviews, I see the correlation of the problem and the concern for the problem. The more the card users hear about the problem happening to other people, the more their concern and caution for their card usage increases. From this, I was able to detect that those who had first handedly experienced credit card fraud or those who personally knew someone who had first handedly experienced the fraud, had a higher concern for the fraud. These were the ones who were more cautious of using their card. Though, I realize that not all credit/debit card users have a concern for credit card fraud because it either has not yet happened to them, or they do not feel threatened. However, it is important to note that all interviewees were aware that credit card fraud occurs all the time. 

Assignment 6A Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

1. Economic Trend: Coal Bankruptcy Tests Wyoming Town
  • Source: National Public Radio
  • Information Suggesting Existence of Opportunity
    • When the coal company Blackjewel declared its bankruptcy, it left hundreds of miners in Wyoming unemployed. Paychecks were unpaid, 600 workers were left unemployed, and the company owed the county millions of dollars. In which, the bankruptcy had left the workers struggling to find new jobs, as only 25% of them were able to find a new job.
  • Prototypical Customer
    • Workers left unemployed
  • Level of Difficulty of Exploiting the Opportunity
    • I think that the opportunity will be rather easy to exploit, seeing the high demand of workers seeking a new job. Also, because it will be focusing on one specific category as a whole, being those unemployed.
  • Why Did You See the Opportunity?
    • I saw this opportunity because I know how difficult it is to one day have a set job, but then the next day being left unemployed and having to find a new job right away. My uncle had experienced this with his job, where he was unexpectedly cut, and was not able to find a new job until months after.
2. Economic Trend: 'Unimpressive' Jobs Report Shows Slow But Steady Growth

  • Source: US News 
  • Information Suggesting Existence of Opportunity
    • Statistics from recent job reports have economists feeling disappointed, as they expected a more constant increase in job growth. They found that the numbers from the report shows slight growth, but was not enough to ensure the complete removal of the fear that the economy was coming towards a recession once again. In which, with these numbers, the economy could be facing a risk in recession. And although the job growth is slightly growing, is it slowing down compared to previous years, as unemployment growth continues to remain firm at an increase. If job opportunity does not increase, then the amount of employment will not either. 
  • Prototypical Customer
    • The unemployed who are seeking jobs
  • Level of Difficulty of Exploiting the Opportunity
    • I think that the opportunity will be rather easy to exploit, since the need for employment high in the U.S. In which, when the job growth shows to become slower than previous years, it raises concerns for both the economy and those seeking employment. 
  • Why Did You See the Opportunity?
    • I saw this opportunity because the U.S. is reaching full employment, therefore slowing down the job growth rate. If the U.S. stops creating jobs, those seeking jobs will be in trouble.
3. Regulatory Change: Vaping Illness Increases to 530 Cases
  • Source: New York Times
  • Information Suggesting Existence of Opportunity
    • The number of vape-related illnesses has increased to 530 probable cases, which could lead to an increase in deaths due to the severeness of these illnesses. Public officials are hoping to restrict flavors to discourage teens use of vaping. 
  • Prototypical Customer
    • Vape users
  • Level of Difficulty of Exploiting the Opportunity
    • This may be difficult to exploit the opportunity, as the amount of probable cases have increased, making it more difficult to pin point the cause of these illnesses. Therefore, it would raise difficulty in the prevention and cure for these illnesses, which is why they are hoping to turn to discourage the use and adoption of vaping as a result.
  • Why Did You See the Opportunity?
    • I saw this opportunity because I know the high demand of vaping. I've noticed how addictive it became and how unaware the users were of how actually dangerous it was, as they were drawn to the fact that it was an e-cigarrette with "less damage."
4. Regulatory Change: Wells Fargo Is Reviewing Its Account Closing Practices
  • Source: New York Times
  • Information Suggesting Existence of Opportunity
    • Wells Fargo was left reviewing the way it closes customer's accounts and began an extensive review of the fees that were charged amongst customers after their account had been closed. Customers were charged hundred and thousands of dollars in overdraft fees after the bank had informed them of their closing accounts.
  • Prototypical Customer
    • Wells Fargo customers
  • Level of Difficulty of Exploiting the Opportunity
    • I think that this opportunity will be rather easy to exploit, being that the problem is evident and applies to a specific group of people. The need is evident for Wells Fargo customers who have faced the similar problem. 
  • Why Did You See the Opportunity?
    • I saw this opportunity because overdraft fees are a big concern and issue. Though, I found this one interesting seeing that this was a huge scandal for Wells Fargo, charging their customers an unnecessary overdraft fee for their closed accounts. 

Friday, September 13, 2019

Assignment 5A: Identifying Local Opportunities

1. "U-turn on car resort?" by Julia Roberts of the News Leader (Fernandina Beach, FL)
  • Link:
  • About
    • In this article, the partners in Signature Land LLC had no choice but to scale back on their plan of creating an auto-centric resort, by removing most of the major planned features of the resort- due to complaints regarding noisiness and increased traffic. 
  • What? 
    • The problems presented in the story include the issues of building a top notch resort on the Amelia River Golf Club regarding high increase of traffic and noise levels. In which, the proposal of the resort was immediately opposed vocally by the community. This issue led to another problem of the proposers of the resort, Signature Island, having to degrade their proposal by a third, in response to the community's concern. On top of dissatisfaction from the community, the company is also now having to face a degraded proposal, a decrease in economic impact of the proposed resort, and a decrease in revenue. 
  • Who? 
    • The community concerned with having to face increase in traffic and noise level, and Signature Island, having to degrade their anticipated investment and proposal- negatively impacting the economic and amenity standpoint of their resort. 

2. "New stormwater tax coming to Bonita" by Thaddeus Mast of The Banner (Bonita Springs, FL)
  • Link:
  • About
    • In this article, the City Council of Bonita Springs have approved a stormwater utility fee that will be placed on their fellow residents' tax bill starting next year. This added fee will be used to pay for flood mitigation and water based projects. 
  • What? 
    • The problems presented in the article include the implementation of an additional tax on residents' tax bills, in order to pay for stormwater related maintenance. Residents of Bonita Springs are looking at a $50 per property stormwater utility fee, that will be added to their tax bill starting next year. The city is offering discounts and credits depending on the home of the resident, though it is not guaranteed that everyone will be able to take advantage of this discount. 
  • Who? 
    • The Bonita Springs residents, as they are having to face an additional tax fee annually to pay for stormwater related maintenance and flood mitigation. This will further more be unfortunate for the poorer families of the city, that are not able to receive community discounts. 
3. "Dirty dining: Roaches, other insects, improperly stored food found at Bradenton-area restaurants" by Ryan Ballogg of the Bradenton Herald
  • Link: 
  • About
    • In this article, recent inspections of Manatee County restaurants came back with unpleasant results. Several restaurants were conviction of health violations including having dead/live insects on site and other forms of contamination. 
  • What? 
    • The problems presented in the article include the many health violations found in many Bradenton-area establishments. Inspectors were able to find dead or live insects on site, lack of employee hand washing, soiled ceilings, improperly stored food, and lack of contamination prevention on single-use items. And this wasn't just at one establishment, as inspectors were able to find a vast variety of health violations along the Bradenton area. In which, the establishments are either met with an emergency shutdown, citations including financial penalty, and low customer reviews. 
  • Who? 
    • The customers are faced with the problem of dining in a health violated establishment, filled with contamination that could lead to many health risk factors. The establishments themselves are faced with the problem of jeopardizing their company in terms of facing citation and loss of customer loyalty. 
4. "Orchid will repair Dorian dune damage" by Janet Begley of Indian River Press Journal
  • Link:
  • About
    • In this article, the town of Orchid is now having to look at spending thousands of dollars to repair dunes damaged by Hurricane Dorian. In which, they would have to be taking money out of the town's yearly budget. They are attempting to act fast, in fear of another storm taking damage. 
  • What? 
    • The problems presented in the article include the amount of money that needs to be spent and pulled out of the town's budget in order to repair the damaged dunes, as well as the amount of work that has to be done in a short amount of time, in order to prevent the already fragile dune system from becoming destroyed in another storm. The town is looking at exceeding its current permit's threshold of sand of 11,900 cubic yards.
  • Who? 
    • Orchid is facing the problem here, having to deal with the many negative aspects of trying to repair damage done on their dunes from Hurricane Dorian. 
5. "Ragu pasta sauces recalled after plastic fragments found" by Gary Dinges of The Gainesville Sun
  • Link: 
  • About
    • In this article, jars of the Ragu-brand pasta sauce are being recalled due to the potential containment of plastic fragments. 
  • What? 
    • The problems presented in the article include the mass recall of the Ragu company's jars of pasta sauce due to containment of plastic fragments. The company will be losing revenue due to this recall, as consumers who have the recalled pasta sauces are able to receive a free replacement. The company is also requesting that the sauce is returned to be examined. 
  • Who? 
    • Mizkan America, the company that owns Ragu, is facing the problem of a high revenue lost in their company due to having to call for a recall in their product that included plastic fragments. 

Assignment 4A Forming an Opportunity

1. I have a belief that an opportunity exists in regards of credit card fraud through skimming, a type of credit card theft where a small device is used to steal credit card information. This also applies to debit cards.

2. The unmet need of this opportunity is the prevention of skimming, a type of credit card theft that leads to credit card fraud. Any credit/debit card user has this need, as they are the ones that skimmers target. This need began when skimming devices were established, giving skimmers the opportunity of stealing credit card information. Credit card users try to meet this need by either inspecting the card reader before, attempting to avoid using their PIN, and or avoid paying with card when skeptical. Although these precautions are helping in avoiding credit card fraud, it does not guarantee the satisfaction of this need. In which, I am 80% sure that this opportunity exists as technological advances have risen through the years, as well as the amount of credit card users, giving skimmers a bigger chance of credit card theft. Also, my friends and family have experienced credit card fraud before.

3. The prototypical customer is a credit/debit card user.

4a. Customer #1: Credit Card User, Mother and Wife

  • What is your preferred method of payment? 
    • "Credit card."
  • What is the exact nature of the need? 
    •  "My husband and I are joint credit card holders, in which we both have faced credit card fraud multiple times and have had to cancel the card and be issued a new one multiple times. And each time this has occurred, we have never knew where or when the theft took place."
  • When do you become aware of the need- that is, do you experience the need all the time or only sometimes?
    • "I experience this need every time that I use my credit card, as I try to be careful when using credit card readers."
  • How long have you had the need?
    • "Ever since I got my credit card."
  • When did you become first aware of the need? Why?
    • "I first became aware of the need when I encountered my first interaction with credit card fraud. One day when I was checking my credit card balance, I noticed a big purchase made from a different city that neither my husband or I had made. I called my credit card company, and they cancelled the card immediately and issued me a new one. Ever since, I became very cautious when it came to using my credit card."
  • How are you currently addressing the need?
    • "I am always cautious of where I insert my credit card, and try to avoid using the PIN when it is not necessary."
  • How satisfied are you with this solution above?
    • "I think this solution helps prevent credit card fraud, though it does not ensure the prevention of fraud. Credit card theft is unpredictable and is an ongoing issue."
5a. Reflection:
Firsthand experience with credit card fraud can trigger a prototypical customer's unmet needs in terms of preventing this theft. What is even more dangerous about this situation is that credit card fraud is unpredictable and ultimately, unavoidable.

4b. Customer #2: Debit Card User, University of Florida Student

  • What is your preferred method of payment? 
    • "Debit Card."
  • What is the exact nature of the need? 
    •  "I've always had this ongoing fear of identity theft and credit card theft. Like I am so scared of getting my card information stolen."
  • When do you become aware of the need- that is, do you experience the need all the time or only sometimes?
    • "I never experienced credit card fraud, however I experience this need sometimes, when the concern pops up in my head, or whenever I am using my card."
  • How long have you had the need?
    • "Ever since I got my card."
  • When did you become first aware of the need? Why?
    • "When my finance teacher warned us about credit card readers at gas stations. He advised us to be cautious with these readers, as many credit cards have been read and information had been stolen at sketchy gas stations. Ever since, I've always tried to be careful."
  • How are you currently addressing the need?
    • "Whenever I am using my card, I be sure to be very cautious of where I am using it."
  • How satisfied are you with this solution above?
    • "Yes, but you can't trust anyone and credit card skimmers are everywhere. Credit cards are never in a safe spot, so it's important to always be aware and careful."
5b. Reflection: 
Even those who have not yet experienced firsthand credit card fraud, come across this unmet need with the fear of being a victim of credit card fraud and having their card get stolen. As this is an ongoing issue, it is evident that more people are being aware of the issue even before they get a card, which enforces them to be more cautious when they become a card owner. Due to the many incidents, the advice of being cautious around skeptical card readers and locations, increasingly continues to be given. Also, this unmet need also applies to debit card users. 

4c. Customer #3: Card User, University of Florida Student

  • What is your preferred method of payment? 
    • "Card payment." 
  • What is the exact nature of the need? 
    • "I do not want to face credit card fraud, I see it all the time on the news."
  • When do you become aware of the need- that is, do you experience the need all the time or only sometimes?
    • "I am aware of this need only sometimes, as I don't pay much attention to it until I come across another story on the news."
  • How long have you had the need?
    • "Since I got my card."
  • When did you become first aware of the need? Why?
    • "I read an article about the dangers of skimming occurring at gas stations, and saw many stories of it happening on the news. So I've always been aware of this issue and it seems like it is always happening."
  • How are you currently addressing the need?
    • "I don't really do much to address the need, though I do keep in mind that credit card fraud happens all the time."
  • How satisfied are you with this solution above?
    • "I'm good with it, but I know that there isn't much I can do to prevent it from happening." 
5c. Reflection:
Prototypical customers also seem to be gaining awareness from media, as many occurrences of this issue make it onto news stories. In which, others may not be paying that close attention to the issue, and don't really address the need since they have not yet experienced it. Though, when reminded of the issue of credit card theft in today's world, the sense to become cautious comes to mind again.

6. Summary:
Overall, I think the opportunity is still there, as this ongoing fear of credit card theft is pretty common for card users. Though, it is important to take note that although preferred card payment has increased through the years, there are still some people that still prefer cash payment to avoid this issue. After interviewing people, I do believe that my opportunity is more accurate than when I started. Many card users have this unmet need, as they are more aware when using their card to pay, in fear that their card information could be stolen. I do think that entrepreneurs should adapt their opportunities based on customer feedback, in order to satisfy the customer's unmet needs. By doing so, your product will become enhanced in terms of satisfying their unmet needs, which in exchange satisfies the company's needs as well. Though, it is also important to still hold onto your original opportunity and purpose as it is in fact, yours. In which, your own values and input combined with adaptability to customer's feedback is a great balance of prospering in the entrepreneurship realm. 

Friday, September 6, 2019

Assignment 3A My Entrepreneurship Story

My Entrepreneurship Story
My first initial experience of being exposed to entrepreneurship, was during my freshman year of high school. I was a part of the Academy of Finance, which was a four-year academy that went over many aspects of finance including accounting, stocks, management, and entrepreneurship. The last topic that was covered in the first course of the academy, Finance and Business Technology, was entrepreneurship. We spent a week watching episodes of Shark Tank, a show in which seeking entrepreneurs pitch their businesses in front of five investors in hopes that their company will be invested. The following week, we were given a final project inspired by the show, in which we would be the entrepreneurs and would have to give a business presentation with details including what our company was, price of our product, how much were we are asking for, cost to produce our products, what we expect to use the money for, etc. in front of the class.

Developing a business concept for this project was challenging for me, because I had trouble coming up with something that had not yet been discovered or developed. Though, my teacher recommended us to look into solving an existing problem or adding and improving upon an existing product, similar to the bug list assignment. With that said, I always had brought a perfume bottle in my backpack everyday, yet the school had a policy of not spraying fragrances in the classroom due to the concern of triggering asthma attacks and or allergies. In which, one day while I was in class, I was still in search of a business concept, when I came across my perfume bottle and remembered the policy correspondent to the bottle. Subsequently, I came up with the idea to produce a product that would be a substance that could be poured into fragrances that would prevent that fragrance from triggering allergies or asthma attacks. With a set business concept, I began my project and went through the guidelines.

I named my product "Ease Breeze" and did a lot of research to meet the guidelines required in the business presentations. This research included figuring out how much I should price the product, figuring out how much it would be to produce the product, and developing a pitch price based off of these factors. With that, when it came to presenting my pitch to the class, I gained a lot of positive feedback from the class and received an A+ on the project. Reflecting upon the project, it wasn't until after I completed the project when I realized how many factors that requires research and logic, that goes into entrepreneurship. Though, overall I enjoyed the project as a whole, as it gave me that initial step and taste of what the entrepreneurial world is like.

Why I enrolled in ENT 3003
Ultimately, I enrolled in ENT 3003 because I wanted to explore entrepreneurship, as I am considering minoring in entrepreneurship. Being in the Academy of Finance, I was able to get a glimpse of what it would be like, but I still wanted more. In which, I hope to gain more knowledge and experience pertaining entrepreneurship out of this class, as I find these principles to be applicable in the real world, entrepreneur or not. I also found this class to be a good course to test the waters in potentially minoring in entrepreneurship. And even if I decide not to minor in entrepreneurship, I still believe that this is a beneficial course to take along the way.

SHARK TANK - "Episode 1001" - An entrepreneur from Atlanta, Georgia, introduces a smart device designed specifically to protect your packages from package thieves; an unexpected entrepreneur from Dalton, Georgia, invented a nontoxic and nonpermanent adhesive created for kids, by a kid; entrepreneurs from Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Los Angeles, California, believe they have created the solution to plastic straws and want the Sharks to suck responsibly with their new product; and husband and wife entrepreneurs from Spokane, Washington, believe they have created the next evolution in camping cookware and hope to change the way people eat outdoors, on the season premiere of "Shark Tank," SUNDAY, OCT. 7 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on The ABC Television Network. (ABC/Eric McCandless)MARK CUBAN, JAMIE SIMINOFF, KEVIN O'LEARY, LORI GREINER, DAYMOND JOHN, LEE PHILLIPS (LE-GLUE)