Friday, November 8, 2019

Assignment 22A Elevator Pitch 3


  • Overall, my feedback was positive once again, which was very reassuring coming into my third pitch. The positive feedback regarded my confidence displayed throughout my pitch, my nonverbal communication with hand gestures, and the additions made from looking at the critiques of others. The confidence remark stood out to me once again, because it reflects my knowledge of my product, and it shows that I am getting more comfortable with presenting my business each time I complete a pitch. 
  • Being that my feedback was so positive, it was important to me to carry all of these qualities into my final pitch. By my third pitch, I memorized what I was going to say which allowed the flow of my pitch to be more fluent than the others. There was also a burst of confidence and comfort of speaking in front of a camera, which increased my confidence level in this pitch. This was portrayed through a combination of fluently going through my pitch, added enthusiasm in my voice, and apparent hand gestures. Lastly, I included a prop of a card to give the pitch a visual element. Overall, I found that this tweak tied the whole pitch together, making it better as a whole. I really focused on the execution of presenting this last pitch, by practicing to ensure that it would result in the best out of the three. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Davina,

    I really liked how you carried all of your confidence and positive points from your other pitches through into this one as well. I also really like that you included the prop card as it really just ties your presentation together well. It is also apparent through watching your pitch that you have it memorized as you say in your post, which adds an extra level of professionalism to your pitch. Overall, great job!
