Friday, November 29, 2019

Assignment 30A Final Reflection

Image result for mindset + entrepreneur quotes
  • My most formative experience in this course would have to be completing the assignments that required interviews. My first assignment that required an interview was quite easy, as I was able to interview people that I knew right away. Though, as more assignments went on requiring interviews from new people each time, the more difficult it became as it required me to go beyond my comfort zone and approach new people to complete these interviews.
  • One thing I'll remember years later from this course would be the elevator pitches, because it was one of the assignments that I started off immediately disliking. Having to record myself speaking in front of a camera, and uploading it onto youtube to receive feedback was definitely a step outside of my comfort zone. On top of that, each elevator pitch took hundreds of tries and re-filming, to memorize the pitch and not mess up. Though, the growth I was able to see in myself and the pitches were definitely memorable, seeing that I grew more comfortable each time.
  • With that said, the improvement I was able to make with these pitches and being able to overcome going outside my comfort zone was an accomplishment I was proud of by the end of this semester. Seeing the positive feedback I would receive from these pitches on top of that, was also reassuring. I was nervous at first to read all of the feedback on my posts, but soon learned that the feedback itself was beneficial- both positive and negative- and I loved learning from it as well.
  • I wouldn't necessarily say that I see myself as an entrepreneur, though, I do feel that I have developed an entrepreneurial mindset. I find myself having a new perspective on life, always finding opportunities and looking for ways to improve and grow. Also, I am now willing to take more risks and go past my comfort zone. 
  • I would advise the students to be aware of their time management, because this class isn't one where you can pull of completing the assignment last minute. I'd say, that if you put time and effort into these assignments and enjoy the experience overall, it won't feel like a dread to complete these assignments. In which, I personally have learned so much from this course and found growth in myself by completing these assignments. Focus your venture concept on something you are passionate about, as it will motivate when completing the assignments revolving around the concept. To foster the entrepreneurial mindset, be open to new ideas, learn from the feedback of others and adapt, and be willing to take risks!


  1. I really enjoyed reading your posts throughout the semester. I have seen the growth in your business idea and your pitches. I am glad that you also saw growth in your abilities. The feedbacks were nerve wracking to me at first too, but I actually looked forward to reading them after a couple weeks into the semester. Good luck on your future endeavors!

  2. I totally agree with you on the elevator pitch assignment. The first time I did it I was super neverous and took a million times to get what I thought was acceptable. I'm usually not very comfortable with memorize speeches, or really being in front of a camera to begin with. But those exercise has taught me a lot, and improved my confidence when being recorded.

  3. Hey Davina,

    I really relate to your position on the elevator pitch assignments because I felt the same way. I was extremely proud of the way that I stepped out of my comfort zone with those assignments as well. I also really liked how detailed and thorough you were with your reflection. It has been a great semester and I have enjoyed your posts, keep succeeding in whatever is next for you, and great job in this class!
