Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Assignment 26A Celebrating Failure

  • A time you failed this past semester
    • This semester, Marketing happened to be my most challenging class. My test score for the first exam was able to attest to this, as it was my first failure this semester, at least in my book. After getting A's on all of my other first exams, and then seeing my score on the Marketing exam left me feeling disappointed. Though, as I was deeply discouraged, I set the goal to adjust my study methods in the class and adapting to what works best with the course itself, and strived to get an A on the second exam to balance it out. When the second exam came around, I did not cram my studying this time, and I completed and reviewed a lot more practice exams. When scores came out, it improved drastically, but I still fell a couple points short from an A. I was less disappointed in the B, but I still wanted to get an A on the exam, especially since the exams make up more than 60% of our total grade. In which, taking my last two attempts in consideration, I am making sure that I am fully prepared for the final exam, and I continue to strive to reach my goal.
  • What you learned from it
    • From this, I learned how important it is to set goals for yourself and push yourself to achieve them. I found that by setting the goal for myself, it motivated me to work harder to achieve it, which ultimately resulted in a higher test score. Though, I learned that time management is key, and it is important to balance all of your classes in order for you to make sufficient time to study for these exams. I found that my mistake for the first exam was cramming all of my studying, which didn't allow me to fully grasp the material needed to pass. 
  • Reflection
    • As unpleasant and embarrassing failure is, it is definitely necessary and beneficial in the long run. I was definitely blindsided and discouraged by my failures in Marketing, but this has allowed me to grow and learn along the way. It allowed me to readjust and learn from my mistakes to avoid making the same one. From this, I was also able to apply my learnings to other courses and other applications in my life. I find that I deal with failure both emotionally and behaviorally. When it comes to failure, the feeling of discouragement and disappointment is almost immediate. Though, this feeling is what pushes me to take action and learn from it so I don't have to get that feeling again. It pushed me to set the goal for myself to ace the next exam and change my studying ways and pay more attention to how the course works. Lastly, I'd say that this class has changed my perspective on failure. It pushed me to go outside of my comfort zone, and that it was okay to take risks, regardless of the outcome, good or bad. Through these assignments and interviews, I found myself gaining perspective from others as well. Overall, I feel that I am more open minded and willing to take more risk after this class.


  1. I am sorry to hear about your failure in Marketing. However, it is how you mentioned. Failure was an important step for realizing the importance of setting goals. So, it was more of a learning experience than a failure. We all have mishaps, and this should deter you from pursuing excellence in everything you do for the rest of your academic career.

  2. Hey Davina,

    I am also sorry to hear about your failure in Marketing, but if it makes you feel any better, I have also struggled a little bit in that class this semester. I feel as though the steps that you have outlined that you took to increase your grade will greatly aid you on the third exam as they did on the second. I am glad that you took your initial failure as a learning experience and I think that is a good mindset to have when dealing with failure and adversity.
