Thursday, October 31, 2019

Assignment 19A Idea Napkin No. 2

  • Who are you?
    • My name is Davina, and I am an 18-year-old freshman at the University of Florida. I am an Accounting major who intends on joining the 3/2 Program. My aspiration is to become a CPA and work in an accounting firm. After talking five of the closest people to me and reflecting upon myself, I am hard working, compassionate, self-driven, and organized. I am always one to give 110%, strive to achieve my goals, and be there for others when they need me. My past experiences with volunteer work and a three year internship at a federal credit union, have helped to further these skills that can be applied towards furthering this business concept. If I were to start this business concept, it would play a huge role in my life, knowing that I had been able to satisfy other's needs with a solution. Especially with an issue this big and expanding, it would leave a huge impact on my life.
  • What are you offering to customers?
    • I am offering credit/debit card users a product to help deter and prevent credit card fraud by skimming. With technological advances rising, it has become more efficient to get away with credit card fraud through skimming by hacking card readers with a small device that is able to read card information without consumer's knowing. In which, my product is solving this unmet need of the prevention of credit card fraud by notifying if a skimmer is apparent beforehand, in order to prevent the fraud. In other words, my product functions in a way that consumers will be able to check the card reader for skimmers before using, indicated by a green or red light, to avoid credit card fraud.
    • (I did not make any adjustments for this part of my idea napkin.)
  • Who are you offering it to?
    • I am offering my product to credit or debit card users in Florida. This is mainly directed to those in Florida, because according to Credit Sesame, Florida is considered a high risk state in terms of credit card fraud, with high credit card complaints of 60 per 100,000 residents. It is among the top 3 high risk of credit card fraud states in the U.S. Eventually, I will then venture out my business to market in other states. As for the targeted market in Florida, I am specifically offering the product to those who use a credit or debit card, because they are the ones that skimmers target. 
  • Why do they care?
    • Card users care and will be interested in my product because all of the incidents with credit card fraud through skimming have one thing in common: the victims of fraud were unaware of when it had happened. That is what has makes skimming so successful, the fact that skimmers are able to steal credit card information from consumers through card readers without them even knowing. In which, this leads to the notion that consumers are never really fully aware until after the damage has been done. Therefore, with this common problem of not exactly knowing of whether they are facing fraud or not, consumers will seek my solution of preventing the fraud before the damage can be done. In which, my product will appeal to consumers, as they will be able to become aware of the issue before the issue of skimmers can negatively affect them. My product will situate the issue by allowing consumers to evidently be notified with a distinct green or red light, of whether or not they should be using the card reader. This precaution will help reduce the amount of credit card fraud through skimming. 
  • What are your core competencies?
    • For what I know, there is one leading competitor which is EMV chip cards. This high technology chip that is implemented on the new generation of cards, provides added security against fraud. Which is why, cards with EMV chips have been in high demand and card readers have added chip readers as well. This just shows that people are seeking solutions to avoiding credit card fraud in every way they can. Though, a major issue with EMV chip cards is that skimmers have found ways around it, and EMV card users are still in risk of fraud. Although the risk with EMV chips is lower than traditional cards, the risk is still there as many people are still facing fraud. This is important to note with my product, to be ready for skimmers looking to find their way through my product, in which I would have to be adaptable to. 
    • In which, overall, this idea is set apart from everyone else, as although there has been steps towards preventing credit card fraud through skimming, the problem is still occurring. My solution is able to solve this issue by preventing the fraud beforehand, with the ability to check for skimmers. Whereas, other solutions in the past- including the avoidance of using card, being cautious of where you are inserting your card, and or EMV chips- have helped to lower the risk of fraud, but have not completely prevented it. 
  • Evaluation
    • Overall, I think that these elements work well together with the unmet need, targeted customers, reasoning, and solution. Though, one major drawback is the production of this product. I do not have any connections with people that can drive the product forward, as it is a complicated concept that would need to require professional technology. In which, this is why I would plan to start in one specific area first, then wait to see if my business can branch out. Seeing that this is a global problem, it raises pressures to making an effective product. 
    • (I did not make any adjustments to this part of the idea napkin)
  • Feedback Memo:
    • Based on my feedback, they liked how I introduced and presented myself. I kept this in mind for my revised idea napkin, and only made a little adjustment of adding some of the strengths that five of the closest people to me said I had. I found this important to include in my idea napkin because it adds credibility and accuracy when the strengths you perceive yourself to have is also seen in the eyes of those around you. I felt like this addition was beneficial to my idea napkin.
    • Another comment admired how I detailed how previous alternatives have attempted to prevent credit card fraud, but still fell short, and that credit card fraud is still an ongoing issue. I decided to build off of this feedback, and added a more detailed description of what I believed was my product's biggest competitor: EMV chip cards. With this added in my idea napkin, I feel like it gives consumers a better look on how my product is distinct from other alternatives, and how it can come on top.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Assignment 18A Create a Customer Avatar

      My avatar is 22 years old, and is a proud 4th year gator at the University of Florida. In which, she would definitely be delighted to hear that Florida happens to be one of the top three high risk states of credit card fraud... She is a Business Administration major, seeking to become a Financial Analyst. She fell in love with the business career path ever since she was a part of the Academy of Finance all throughout her high school years. She still looks up to her Finance teacher today, who she still thanks her for providing her with useful financial advice that she still currently benefits from. This influenced her decision of becoming a Financial Analyst.
      She has owned a debit card since she was 16 years old, and praises the convenience that it provides. She is fully aware of the risks it comes with, as she has always been warned to be cautious of credit card fraud from her parents and finance teacher. Though, it wasn't until she first became a victim of credit card fraud when she was 19 years old while at a gas station, that she took these warnings seriously and became more aware. On that day, little did she know that paying for gas on her card for her 2010 burgundy Honda Accord, would ultimately lead to a random $370 charge on her card from Georgia. Now, she fully avoids using her card at gas stations, and will only use her gas card or cash.
      She is very attentive when it comes to managing her money. She makes sure to constantly check her payment transactions each day, and is cautious with her spending. In which, she is a very organized, detail oriented, and dedicated student. She has devoted her enter life to her studies and has big dreams in the mere future. She is ready to make the big transition from being a part-time server at Satchel's Pizza to becoming a Financial Analyst. In her free time, spending time with her friends and family, volunteering, painting, and binge-watching Friends, Stranger Things, and Gossip Girl on Netflix. She is very close with her family, and hopes to give back one day. She loves helping them out whenever she can, giving them financial advice that she has learned and mastered over the years. Overall, she is optimistic of her college years coming to an end and of what the outside world holds for her.

  • What do you have in common with her?
    • I had a similar experience of being in the Academy of Finance throughout my high school years, in which I was also really passionate about and was able learn a lot financially. Like her, I am very attentive in general, and with my money. I am aware of the risks of credit card fraud, which is why I am hoping to provide a solution to the issue. Overall, I am also very organized, detail oriented, and dedicated, and I am optimistic about my future with an Accounting major at UF. 
  • Do you think it is a coincidence that you have these things in common?
    • I don't think it is a coincidence, because being that I am also in this segment of business/finance students, we are bound to have similar backgrounds and or qualities. Also, more people are being aware of the issue of credit card fraud through skimming now that this form of theft has become more efficient and is arising today.

17A Elevator Pitch 2

  • Feedback
    • Overall, my feedback was fairly positive. She stated that I spoke eloquently and that my body language was professional. I tried to keep these both in mind and carried that through my second pitch. She also mentioned that I displayed confidence and sounded like I knew what I was talking about. This stood out to me, and I am pleased with this feedback, because I feel like it is important to display confidence and be sure that you as an entrepreneur portray professionalism, confidence, and credibility. 
    • Being that these comments were positive, I made sure carry all these qualities into my second pitch. Though, I also took some criticism from when we watched three other students' first pitches in class. Some key notes that stuck out to me then were to add variation in the tone of voice to engage the audience, body language, and to specify what specific target you are targeting. These were the main changes I made, as I made sure I added more enthusiasm and variation in my voice, added hand gestures, and specified that I was targeting card users in Florida. 

Friday, October 18, 2019

Assignment 16A What's Your Secret Sauce?

  • Human Capital
    • Generosity: I am always looking out for those around me, willing to care for them and be there for them whenever they need me. I have a big heart, and I am very altruistic and selfless, which makes up a huge part of my human capital.
    • Ambition: I would say my ambition is a part of my unique human capital, as I am self-driven and motivated by my goals. I strive to succeed and will not give up until I have.
    • Diligence: I would consider myself to be a very hard worker, in which I will give 110% each time in order to achieve my goals. 
    • Passion: My strong passion for something heightens the other qualities that make up my human capital. When I deeply care about something, it is evident and reflected upon my work and actions, in which it pushes me to succeed. 
    • Deliberation: I am a deliberative person, in which I like to take careful consideration in my decisions by weighing out the options. I like to have my actions be intentional and organized. 
  • Interviews
    • Interview 1: Siriya (Cousin)
      • Siriya stated that I was a very reliable person, as I am someone that you can always go to whenever you need someone to talk to or be there for you. She also said that I was a great listener. I wasn't surprised to with her response, as I am always her go to person to call whenever she needs advice.
    • Interview 2: Malida (Sister)
    • Interview 3: Mom
      • My mom described me to be very hardworking, committed, and caring for others. She said it well when she stated that I am always willing to help others. Her insight on these traits portrayed by me is clear when she sees me helping my little sister out all the time.
    • Interview 4: Farah (Roommate)
    • Interview 5: Dad
  • Reflection
    • Overall, I found it interesting to see the very similar correlation between the way I see myself and how others see me. Within all five interviews, they were all similar in a sense of describing my human capital. What stuck out the most throughout all the interviews, was my compassion for others. It seemed to be a very common response, they all stated that I am willing to help others, be there for others, and or encourage others. Nobody mentioned deliberation, which is one of the aspects I found to be a part of my human capital. I think this is because it is more of an internal aspect that I don't really portray towards others, whereas my selflessness and hard work is very evident. One thing I didn't consider myself to be was encouraging, stated by my roommate. She finds me to be uplifting and optimistic, which I found interesting. Overall, I wouldn't change anything from my list, as it is evident that what I portray myself to be is also seen in other's eyes. 

Assignment 15A Figuring Out Buyer Behavior 2

  • Report Findings
    • I found these three interviews to be very similar to my previous interviews within my segment of business students. This just shows that this segment carries a lot of similar preferences and ideas. All three of my interviewees are currently Accounting majors. The list of alternatives to using card as a method of payment, gathered from these interviews were pretty familiar, being that they all stated cash payment as the alternative just like all of the interviewees in my previous interviews. Throughout the interviews, the common response of how they determined of whether or not to go to the alternative was based on their surroundings. Two of the interviewees stated that depending on whether or not they were in a skeptical location, would determine their payment method. One thing that they all agreed on though, was that card payment was much more convenient, as they did not always have cash on them. This was another factor that is put into consideration of their decision of payment method, being that it depends if they even have cash on them or not. When it comes to the product itself, they said that would look more into quality over price. They feel as if the product is functional and exceeds expectations, they are willing to pay the price. Though, my third interviewee pointed out that even though she seeks quality, she is not willing to pay if the price is overly unreasonable. 
    • The common place transactions would occur is in store. They all agreed that they would prefer to buy the product in store, being that they are unfamiliar with it and that it is tangible, so they can observe its qualities and evaluate it before buying. One interviewee addressed that she would be more drawn to the product if it were in store. In which, they also agreed that they would use cash to pay for it, rather than financing it. 
    • Based off of these interviews, when my customers are looking back at their purchase, they are mostly seeking to see if it meets and or exceeds their expectations and satisfies their needs. If they are getting what is being sold, and if the product solves their problem they are satisfied with the purchase. Though they will be disappointed if the product doesn't satisfy these needs or leaves no positive impact. Libby, one of my interviewees, gave the example of if she were to still be scammed after using my product, she would be disappointed. 
  • Draw Conclusions
    • Within this segment, when it comes to alternatives there aren't very many. It is between card payment and cash payment. Though one thing that this segments seeks for is convenience, being that is why card payment is the more popular and preferred method. I will keep this in mind, to make sure that the use of my product is quick and efficient, to meet my consumer's needs. As for purchase decision, they lean more towards being able to actually evaluate the product to make their considerations. Lastly, their post-purchase evaluation relies heavily on whether or not the product meets/exceeds expectations and if it satisfies the needs. 

Friday, October 11, 2019

Assignment 14A Hallway Reflection

  1. Tenaciousness is a competency:
    • My organizational and time management skills have been beneficial in fulfilling the requirements for this class. As this class requires weekly assignments, cupcakes, two lectures per week, and peer reviews, it is easy to fall behind if you wait to complete these last minute. Therefore, being able to organize a schedule and complete these assignments in a timely manner, has allowed me to keep up with these requirements and not fall behind. In which, the work required for this class isn't something that can be completed in a matter of an hour, as the work has to be planned ahead and spaced out, in order to produce the best work, for instance when conducting interviews.
  2. Tenaciousness is also about attitude:
    • There were many times where I felt like giving up in this class. These feelings mostly occurred during the weeks of when I had an exam in another class, as the two contradicted. My main focus would be on that exam, where my stress was at its peak, which subsequently led to me being behind on my schedule of completing the assignments in this class. Nonetheless, I would feel unmotivated to even complete the assignment. Though, I had this inner motivation of succeeding and working hard to achieve my goals, that pushed me to not give up. I did not want to fail, and I knew that if I had given up I would have been disappointed in myself. Also, the tenacious attitude that I developed in the past 2 months pushed me to pull through and complete my assignments and study hard to pass the exam. This tenacious attitude was built upon both this class and the adjustment of UF, knowing that it takes hard work and determination to achieve what you want in life.
  3. Three tips:
    • It is without a doubt that you'll find yourself having to balance between work from different classes, jobs, extracurriculars, clubs, sports, and life in general. Therefore, I would advise that you develop the skill of time management. Making sure that you are on top of things and organizing a schedule to avoid procrastination will help you balance everything out. This is extremely helpful in this class!
    • Set goals! This will help motivate you to achieve this goals, especially at times when you want to give up. By setting goals for yourself, you are motivating yourself work hard, do your best, get the job done, and you are developing a tenacious mindset.
    • Don't try to find loopholes or shortcuts when completing the assignments. You will benefit more in the long run if you actually complete all the steps to the assignments and watch the lectures. As long as you are on top of things, this shouldn't be a problem. 

Assignment 13A Reading Reflection No. 1

  1. You read about an entrepreneur: The Wright Brothers by David McCullough
    • What surprised you the most? 
      • What surprised me the most was the amount of time, effort, and determination that was put into successfully creating flight. In which, their grit opened my eyes and gave me a new perspective of what passion and determination can lead to, and how it can strive you to achieve your goals. They spent hours studying, reading books, becoming familiar with the language of aeronautics, observing birds and learning from them, as well as putting several hours into building and rebuilding until they succeeded. Also, the fact that they started from nothing- "no college education, no formal technical training, no friends in high places, no financial backers, no government subsidies, and little money of their own"- and the risk of danger they were willing to take, was truly mind blowing and inspiring. 
    • What about the entrepreneur did you most admire?
      • As mentioned before, the Wright Brothers characterized a tenacious and hardworking mindset with grit like no other. In which, I admire their determination and persistence of never giving up. Coming into it, they were aware of the previous fails in attempts by previous entrepreneurs, one even resulting in death, and were unfazed. When it came to their own failures, they didn't give up and kept rebuilding until they got it right. Even when others viewing their test trails found the attempt to have been a success, the brothers still went on to rebuild until they were satisfied and saw success in their own eyes. 
    • What about the entrepreneur did you least admire?
      • There isn't really anything that I can say that I least admire about the Wright Brothers. Though, it may have seemed liked Wilbur had most of the spotlight, doing all the gliding in their test trials and being left to take on the public roles when it came to public speaking because Orville was painfully shy. Though, Orville was very helpful behind the scenes, when it came to building the aircraft. In which, they balanced each other out and worked well as a team, and I would hate to see if they were viewed as one being superior to the other. 
    • Did the entrepreneur encounter adversity and failure? If so, what did they do about it?
      • The Wright Brothers did encounter adversity and failure before they could succeed. In which, their first flight at Kitty Hawk had many failed attempts that resulting in them having to go back to the drawing board, figure out what went wrong, and rebuild until they go it right. There were even times when others present in their test trials had viewed their flight to be successful, but to the brothers, they would find it disappointing and go back to fix the problem and rebuild. In which, their tenacity became evident through these failures, and they ended up coming out on top and stronger as a result of this adversity. 
  2. What competencies did you notice that the entrepreneur exhibited? 
    • I think that the brothers exhibited their own competencies that came together to make them such a great team, and become successful. As Wilbur was competent in leadership, which made him such an exceptional public speaker for the two and was able to attract attention when taking the public role, Orville was more shy, but more naturally entrepreneurial and had remarkable "mechanical ingenuity" that played an important role in all of their projects. Being able to work together and build upon each other's strengths was evident in their work, and was a significant aspect of their success.
  3. Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you
    • One thing I found confusing was when the brothers were testing their aircraft at Kitty Hawk, and had people present at their trial. When they had successfully sailed 100 yards, everyone found the trial to be successful except the brothers. I am curious to know at the time, what they would have been satisfied with. In other words, I wonder how they determined what was successful in their own eyes, despite the affirmation from others that it was successful. 
  4. If you were able to ask two questions to the entrepreneur what would you ask? Why?
    • Seeing the death of Lilienthal after his attempt of flight, what drove you to continue with your attempts, even after acknowledging the risks that came with it? I would like to know to what extent of risk are entrepreneurs willing to take to become successful with their business, and what drives them to take this risk. Is there anything that you felt like you could've changed or done better during your times of building and trial? I would like see an entrepreneur's perspective of reflecting upon their own actions, and how they learned from it. As, experience plays a huge role in entrepreneurship I think it is important to reflect back and see what you can improve to be successful in the future, and grow upon your mistakes.
  5. What do you think the entrepreneur's opinion was of hard work? Do you share the opinion?
    • I think that they're opinion of hard work is that it is driven by the goals you set, and that you have to go beyond the obstacles. They were great advocates of hard work and perseverance as they always continued to work harder each time they failed. With this mindset, they saw no obstacles to be too difficult to overcome, and had their head held up high all throughout their journey. When Orville would be ask "Were you scared?" he would respond, "Scared? There wasn't a time." That right there summarizes their attitude and outlook on hard work that allowed them to reach their goals. I can't say that I have that quality of being able to take risks, though I do share their opinion of hard work. I find that if you push yourself to never give up and set goals for yourself, you are on the path towards succeeding. 

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Assignment 12A Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

  • Segment:
    • I chose the segment of business educated students (current business majors or have taken previous business classes). All three of the people I interviewed had a business knowledge background. One is a current General Business major here at the University of Florida, one is a current Accounting major at the University of Florida, and the last one was the Academy of Finance Ambassador of her high school and a member of the Academy of Finance for all 4 years.
  • Interviews:
    • The first girl I spoke with who was the General Business Major had the unmet need of preventing credit card fraud through skimming. She noted that this unmet need is most satiable when she is paying at the gas station or other sketchy places. She says that she doesn't really pay attention to the need however, when she is using her card at places she is more comfortable with such as Publix, the mall, on campus, etc. When she is at the gas station though, her concern of being skimmed rises, though she still pays with card anyway and hopes for the best, since she has no other option. She claims that if she carried cash with her, she would use it as an alternative method of payment at times like those. She says she doesn't search for solutions on the Internet, however, she occasionally finds articles in the news that pop up that inform her of credit card frauds through skimming that is happening. Her solution is being aware, yet she admits that she does not take any physical action into solving the problem as she pays with the card anyway, even if she is hesitant. If she is really concerned, she says she would call her parents for help.
    • The second person I spoke with is a first year Accounting major student, who also has the unmet need. She says she has this need whenever she uses her card. It is most satiable when the card reader does not have the chip reader, and requires her to slide her card. She states that she feels most comfortable with using her card when she is able to insert her card with the EMV chip. Whenever she comes across a location that does not take chip, such as gas stations, she says she has no other choice but to slide her card and hope she doesn't get skimmed. Though, if she has cash on her she would rather pay with it. Her main source of solutions is her parents, since her account is connected with theirs. She doesn't really look to other sources for a solution, as she relies on her own judgment. She feels that skimming is inevitable, unless you pay with cash, which she doesn't have on her all the time. 
    • Lastly, I spoke to a friend who was also in the Academy of Finance. In fact, she was the ambassador of the academy. She says that being in the academy raised her awareness of being more cautious when using her card. The unmet need is most satiable for her whenever she is unsure about the location of where she is paying, like at a gas station. She prefers to not use her card at these sketchy locations, but sometimes does anyway, as it is convenient. She feels that it is difficult to prevent a skimming from happening, as there is no way of telling, so she just uses her card anyway. Her solution is just being aware, and if it comes to the point where she needs to contact someone, she would contact her parents.
  • Conclusion
    • Based on these three interviews, I learned that the common issue that comes with skimming is uncertainty. Even with the awareness that they are at risk of skimming, consumers are uncertain of whether or not they are facing fraud and come to the conclusion that credit card fraud through skimming is inevitable. In which, I feel that my product would come in high demand due to this common issue among the customers. As for this segment in particular, I found that the ones with a business background and had financial knowledge were more aware and cautious of the problem, but still found the problem to be inevitable. In which, even though they knew that they could be at risk, they still used their cards because it is their preferred method of payment or they have no other option. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Assignment 11A Idea Napkin No. 1

  • Who are you?
    • My name is Davina, and I am an 18-year-old freshman at the University of Florida. I am an Accounting major who intends on joining the 3/2 Program. My aspiration is to become a CPA and work in an accounting firm. I would consider myself to be self-driven, hard working, detail-oriented, organized and I obtain leadership qualities. My past experiences with volunteer work and a three year internship at a federal credit union, have helped to further these skills that can be applied towards furthering this business concept. If I were to start this business concept, it would play a huge role in my life, knowing that I had been able to satisfy other's needs with a solution. 
  • What are you offering to customers?
    • I am offering credit/debit card users a product to help deter and prevent credit card fraud by skimming. With technological advances rising, it has become more efficient to get away with credit card fraud through skimming by hacking card readers with a small device that is able to read card information without consumer's knowing. In which, my product is solving this unmet need of the prevention of credit card fraud by notifying if a skimmer is apparent beforehand, in order to prevent the fraud. In other words, my product functions in a way that consumers will be able to check the card reader for skimmers before using, indicated by a green or red light, to avoid credit card fraud.
  • Who are you offering it to?
    • I am offering my product to credit or debit card users in Florida. This is mainly directed to those in Florida, because according to Credit Sesame, Florida is considered a high risk state in terms of credit card fraud, with high credit card complaints of 60 per 100,000 residents. Eventually, I will then venture out my business to market in other states. As for the targeted market in Florida, I am specifically offering the product to those who use a credit or debit card, because they are the ones that skimmers target. 
  • Why do they care? 
    • I believe that people will purchase my product because all of the incidents with credit card fraud through skimming have one thing in common: the victims of fraud were unaware of when it had happened. That is what has makes skimming so successful, the fact that skimmers are able to steal credit card information from consumers through card readers without them even knowing. In which, this leads to the notion that consumers are never really fully aware until after the damage has been done. Therefore, with this common problem of not exactly knowing of whether they are facing fraud or not, consumers will seek my solution of preventing the fraud before the damage can be done. In which, my product will appeal to consumers, as they will be able to become aware of the issue before the issue of skimmers can negatively affect them.
  • What are your core competencies?
    • This idea is set apart from everyone else, as although there has been steps towards preventing credit card fraud through skimming, the problem is still occurring. In which, my solution is able to solve this issue by preventing the fraud beforehand, with the ability to check for skimmers. Whereas, other solutions in the past- including the avoidance of using card, being cautious of where you are inserting your card, and or EMV chips- have helped to lower the risk of fraud, but have not completely prevented it. 
  • Evaluation
    • Overall, I think that these elements work well together with the unmet need, targeted customers, reasoning, and solution. Though, one major drawback is the production of this product. I do not have any connections with people that can drive the product forward, as it is a complicated concept that would need to require professional technology. In which, this is why I would plan to start in one specific area first, then wait to see if my business can branch out. Seeing that this is a global problem, it raises pressures to making an effective product.