Friday, October 18, 2019

Assignment 16A What's Your Secret Sauce?

  • Human Capital
    • Generosity: I am always looking out for those around me, willing to care for them and be there for them whenever they need me. I have a big heart, and I am very altruistic and selfless, which makes up a huge part of my human capital.
    • Ambition: I would say my ambition is a part of my unique human capital, as I am self-driven and motivated by my goals. I strive to succeed and will not give up until I have.
    • Diligence: I would consider myself to be a very hard worker, in which I will give 110% each time in order to achieve my goals. 
    • Passion: My strong passion for something heightens the other qualities that make up my human capital. When I deeply care about something, it is evident and reflected upon my work and actions, in which it pushes me to succeed. 
    • Deliberation: I am a deliberative person, in which I like to take careful consideration in my decisions by weighing out the options. I like to have my actions be intentional and organized. 
  • Interviews
    • Interview 1: Siriya (Cousin)
      • Siriya stated that I was a very reliable person, as I am someone that you can always go to whenever you need someone to talk to or be there for you. She also said that I was a great listener. I wasn't surprised to with her response, as I am always her go to person to call whenever she needs advice.
    • Interview 2: Malida (Sister)
    • Interview 3: Mom
      • My mom described me to be very hardworking, committed, and caring for others. She said it well when she stated that I am always willing to help others. Her insight on these traits portrayed by me is clear when she sees me helping my little sister out all the time.
    • Interview 4: Farah (Roommate)
    • Interview 5: Dad
  • Reflection
    • Overall, I found it interesting to see the very similar correlation between the way I see myself and how others see me. Within all five interviews, they were all similar in a sense of describing my human capital. What stuck out the most throughout all the interviews, was my compassion for others. It seemed to be a very common response, they all stated that I am willing to help others, be there for others, and or encourage others. Nobody mentioned deliberation, which is one of the aspects I found to be a part of my human capital. I think this is because it is more of an internal aspect that I don't really portray towards others, whereas my selflessness and hard work is very evident. One thing I didn't consider myself to be was encouraging, stated by my roommate. She finds me to be uplifting and optimistic, which I found interesting. Overall, I wouldn't change anything from my list, as it is evident that what I portray myself to be is also seen in other's eyes. 


  1. Hi Davina,

    I really like the list of human capital that you provided. I think being passionate is really important in everything that you do. Also, I like how you found a difference in the human capital that you think you have to what others think about you. I did a similar assignment like this in one of my other classes and the assignment was for you to learn about your brand. The way you perceive yourself can be different to how others see you because you may not be communicating it to others. So if you want others to see that you are deliberative, then you need to communicate it to others.

  2. Hey Davina,

    I really liked your post and especially thought that the way you clearly stated each item of your own human capital in the first part and then continued to further expand on the reasons you chose that item was very well thought out and put together. I also like how your vision of your human capital was very similar to your interviewees' visions of you, which shows that you very clearly portray a genuine representation of yourself.
